
Martin Training and consultancy offers advice, information, guidance and hands-on support. We offer consultancy on domestic abuse from the perspective of survivors and perpetrators as well as from the perspective of charities and services working with those affected by domestic abuse. 

Examples of recent consultancy work includes the following;

Understanding LGBT+ Experiences of Domestic Abuse in Kirklees- The purpose of this report was to review the current provision for LGBT+ people who are, or have, experienced domestic abuse and are living or working in Kirklees. The review included recommendations on what their needs are and how commissioning authorities such as Kirklees Council, Kirklees CCG, West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner as well as wider funding bodies accessed by local provision should address them, taking into account any relevant national best practice.

Safe Accommodation Needs of Male Survivors of Domestic Abuse in Nottinghamshire: A research project for Nottinghamshire County Council- The purpose of this report was to review the safe accommodation needs of male victims of domestic abuse. The review included recommendations on what their needs are and how Nottinghamshire County Council should address them taking into account any relevant national best practice. The Nottinghamshire Domestic Abuse Needs Assessment (2021) identified a gap in data in relation to male victims and therefore it was difficult to draw conclusions about local provision, any barriers to access to safe accommodation and support for male survivors.

A Moving Landscape: Working with those using harmful behaviours in Central Bedfordshire- The purpose of this piece of work was to explore current provision offered in Central Bedfordshire in working with perpetrators of domestic abuse. Local provision will be compared and contrasted to provision available in other areas of the UK in hope to draw learning from pilot sites and different models of working which might improve engagement with those using harmful behaviours.

Developing a specialist male abuse support service: A research project for Black Country Women’s Aid - The purpose of this report was to identify the considerations when building a service to work with male victim/survivors of crime types we generally consider as gendered, in that they are predominantly perpetrated by men against women. These crime types include domestic abuse, sexual violence and harmful practices, including forced marriage, so-called honour-based violence, human trafficking and modern slavery. 

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